Paul Solomon Audio & Video Clips
During his life Paul gave many talks, lectures and workshops in addition to the thousands of Source Readings given under trance. These readings are all now available in physical book format and as individual or as a compilation download in the CDs & Books section.
Below are some videos and audio clips for you to enjoy and reflect upon.
Paul Solomon - Archive Videos The following links are to YouTube videos of some of Paul's early workshops and lectures. Many courtsey of Daniel Emmanuel and the personal video collection of David Solomon. Thank you both.
Please forgive the quality - it's the words that are important!
Paul Solomon - A Meditation On Self-Love - Click Here
Paul Solomon - A Healing Consciousness - Click Here
Paul Solomon - A Planetary Mystery School Extracts from the work of Paul Solomon
Edited and Compiled by Mary Siobhan McGibbon
A New Medical Paradigm
Going for God: Answering Life's Biggest Questions through the Source of the Sleeping Prophets
by Myles Blynn Tufts
A Presentation by Myles Tufts given at the A.R.E New York
Paul Solomon Audio Clips
Change "If you Change the way you think it will change the way you act, when you change the way you act it will change the way people treat you. When you change the way other people treat you, you're free."
Karmic Destiny Here is a brief audio excerpt from the Teaching which demonstrates the importance of us all individually meeting our karmic responsibilities.
Make a Difference Some words from Paul on making a difference in our world.
How to evaluate a Psychic Reading How to recognize when guidance actually is from Universal consciousness or the Mind of God.
Angels and Earthworms The battle of Armageddon...
Collective Consciousness The peoples consciousness reflected in our government.
The Great Seal Forever facing towards the image of peace.
Prayer Can prayer only be used for God's Will?
Prayer Prayer already exists inside all of us.
Prayer Prayer does not have to be "Relegious" - the Spiritual Laws are Universal Laws.