An Introduction to The Readings of the Paul Solomon Source

“The message is: there is a Great Power that can be tapped and can be experienced by anyone.”

These are the words of Paul Solomon, one of the most influential spiritual teachers of our time. Internationally known as a teacher, prophet, healer, minister and humanitarian, Paul Solomon made contact with his Super-conscious Mind after experiencing a “dark night of the soul.” Paul Solomon could ‘view the body’ at a distance, make accurate diagnosis and suggest treatment that saved lives.

During his lifetime he gave over 1,400 readings on topics such as Soul Growth, Altered States of Consciousness and Awareness, Ancient Mystery Traditions and Arcane Knowledge, Comparative Religion, Sacred Scripture, Qabalah, Universal Law, Holistic Healing and many other facets of human existence. Answers to almost every conceivable subject are available through The Paul Solomon Source Readings and lectures. 

His gift of being able to communicate clearly the essence of universal principles, both ancient and modern, has inspired people all over the world to find their uniqueness, thus ‘re-membering’ their own connection to Source.

“The Source Readings, impressive as they are, are only a means of revealing what lies beyond the words and beyond the wisdom. They are great only if they give you a glimpse of their Source.  If they cause you to see the Source, then they have succeeded. If they cause the Source to be awakened within you, then they’ve really done what they are supposed to do.”

Paul Solomon

This first book is comprised of the readings that Paul gave towards the end of his life during the period of March 13,1992 – March 10, 1993.

The Readings of the Paul Solomon Source
Book One
Available in Hard Back (695 Pages)
€25.00 + S&H

ISBN 978-1-907179-10-5

The Readings of the Paul Solomon Source
Book One on CD - in Adobe PDF Format €11.50 + S&H

The Readings of the Paul Solomon Source
Book One -
Digital Download €9.50

We are delighted to have been able to bring this substantial publication to you in Hard Back, particularly as the cost saving in soft back, was less than a dollar. We have also producted the book as a readable CD (In Adobe PDF Format) at a reduced price and which will be more economical to post. Please click here to go to the Books section for more details.

Each reading has been produced in its entirety as a first step towards archiving all of Paul's readings. Producing the work in this way will preserve the readings and make it easier to categorize the different topics in the future. To facilitate this, a short index has been provided (Sample below reflected in the Contents) at the front of the book to enable the reader quick access to the different topics mentioned in each individual reading; a more detailed word index has been provided at the back of the book.

Thank you to all those who have supported the foundation, your generous donations and words of support make it possible to continue the work of making Paul's work current and available. We hope you enjoy the book and we look forward to publishing more books of Paul's readings over the coming months and years.

The Paul Solomon Foundation

The Readings of the Paul Solomon Source - Book One


Editors Note
by Mary Siobhan McGibbon...........................................................................................xxi

Paul Solomon Biography..................................................................................................1

The Readings of The Paul Solomon Source
by Paul Solomon

The Early Readings of The Paul Solomon Source
Reading 0002
March 1, 1972 Atlanta GA, USA
The First Recorded Source Reading............................................................................ 31

Reading 0009
March 22, 1972 Atlanta GA, USA
What Source Do We Contact Through This Channel.................................................32

Reading 0012
March 31, 1972 Atlanta GA, USA
Knowledge Is Of No Value Unless Used......................................................................35

The Readings of The Paul Solomon Source
Book One . Decembe r 15, 1993 – May 28, 1992

Know This, That God Controls This Source................................................................ 41

Paul Solomon’s Prayer................................................................................................... 43

Reading 9661
Traumatized Child, Developing the Right Side of the Brain,
Fantasy, Imagination, Fear of Abandonment.............................................................. 45

Reading 9660
Ley Lines, PRE Table, Communications, Pendule, Money.......................................54

Reading 9659
Auric Field, Bio-Magnetic Field, Solar Plexus, Ireland,
Sandalwood Oil, Book of Job, Feast of the Tabernacles...........................................64

Reading 9657
Base Chakra, Psychic Attack, Dark Force, Heavy Metal, Music,
Joseph Campbell, Stephen Spielberg, Star Wars, Daarth Veda..............................72

Reading 9656
Saint John of the Cross, Dark Night of the Soul, Mahatma Gandhi, Elijah,
Elisha, Initiator, Jacob’s Prayer, Twelve Bardos, Devil..............................................82

Reading 9655
Shintaido, Yoga, Rishi, Body,Mind,Spirit, International Law, Gemstones.............. 93

Reading 9654
Sensitivity, Shao Lin, Pythagorus, Greek School, Sai Baba,
Zinc, Iron, Arts & Crafts of Different Cultures...............................................................98

Reading 9653
Difficult Life Circumstances, Past Life Influences, Therapeutae,
Petra, Healer, Teacher, Priest. Mo Ban Dek ............................................................ 105

Reading 9652
Bloodbath, Preparation for Birth of Prophet, Natural Burial,
Establishment of a Mystery School ........................................................................... 116

Reading 9651
Family Dynamics, Healing with Herbs, Artemisia for Maleria.................................123

Reading 9648
Niacin, Blood Circulation, Travel, Family...................................................................130

Reading 9645
Service and Action........................................................................................................ 135

Reading 9644
Service. Prosperity, Bless the Food, Love & Fear, Love the Earth, Trees........... 140

Reading 9643
Service, Healing with Color, Cool & Hot Colors, Story of Hannah in Bible......... 146

Reading 9642
Autism, Schizophrenic Tendancy, Hypersensitivity, Phonics,
Mt. Fuji, T’ai Chi, Ginseng + Guarana, Eye Exercises............................................ 151

Reading 9641
Self worth, Male/female power, Oracle Reading,
Pebbles & sticks, Calcium, Iron...................................................................................157
Reading 9640
Guilt, Forgivness, Stroke, Trust, Circulation, P.R.E. Table..................................... 163

Reading 9639
Interstellar Interdimensional Travel, Space Brothers,
Planets, Venus, Saturn, Jupiter, Mars........................................................................ 172

Reading 9638
Illness, Disease Fed by Fear & Guilt, Thoughts,
Healing Hands, Saint, Society of Friends................................................................. 183

Reading 9637
Thinking Habits, Self-Esteem Survival Kit, Japanese Worker Culture. ...............190

Reading 9636
Joseph of Arimathea, Isle of Avalon, Flight of the Holy Family,
Chalice Orchard, Stuttering, P.R.E Table..................................................................197

Reading 9635
Vibrations Surrounding Fetus During Pregnancy, Paederestic Period
in Ancient Greece. Sparta, Athens, Mystery Schools, Hair as Anntanea.............207

Reading 9633
Binary Code, Hexagram, Book of Changes, Stars.................................................. 218

Reading 9632
Ikebana, Temple Beautiful, Temple of Sacrifice, I Ching.........................................224

Reading 9631
Self-Esteem Kit, Alcoholic Father, Turn the Worst Into the Best............................ 231

Reading 9630
P.R.E Table, Prayers and Instructions, Music for Brain Integration,
Spectrum Suite, Seven Terraces, Inner Quest,
Mega Brain Generator, Brahms Lullaby.....................................................................238

Reading 9629
Teaching Children, Fellowship Family, Hospice Work............................................244

Reading 9628
Death of Husband, Curricula, Bonsai, Cause & Effect, Sons, Children................248

Reading 9627
Opening Without Pain to Other’s Thoughts, Headaches, Psychic Signs,
Endometriosis, Power of King & Mystic, King Arthur, Merlin,
Profound Relaxation, Fable of Crane and Serpent..................................................253

Reading 9626
Montessori Teaching, Releasing Stress, Embodied Thought................................ 261

Reading 9625
Communication, Support Sons, Husband..................................................................269

Reading 9624
Healing Through Music and Diet................................................................................ 276

Reading 9623
“Psycho- Cybernetics” by Maxwell Maltz, Mind, Electrical Discharge,
Ask the Children about God, Invisible Friends, Alta, Artificial Conception,
Insemination, Hydrocephalic, Watermelon Seeds, P.R.E. Table...........................283

Reading 9622
Self-Love, Self-Esteem, Huna, Lord Buddha, Lord Christ.......................................289

Reading 9621
Shao Lin School, Chaldean Mystery School, John of Peniel,
Nebuchadnezzar., Dreams, Astrology, Tarot, Cleft Brain,
Star of David, Gold, Silver, Lord Buddha, Shining Ones.........................................294

Reading 9620
Water Contamination, Calcium Ion Water, Calcium Loss,
Calcium Hyperactivity, Copper Pipes, Lead Poisoning,
P.R.E. Table, Music, Self-talk, Freckles, Leprosy.....................................................299

Reading 9619
Cancer Treatment, Reason for Living, P.R.E. Table, Thymus Gland,
Radiation, Religion, Mind Body Spirit Festivals.......................................................307

Reading 9617
Profound Relaxation, P.R.E. Table, Master of Masters,
Simon Peter, Sumo, Japan, The Laughing Buddha................................................ 312

Reading 9616
Solar Plexus, Communication, Releasing Negative
Blockages, Healing. P.R.E. Table.............................................................................. 321

Reading 9615
Healing with Music, Duodenum, Stomach, Castrati,
P.R.E. Table, Petra, Master of Master, Harp............................................................. 331

Reading 9614
Temples of Sacrifice, Temple Beautiful, Temple of Initiation,
Abrahamic Sacrifice, Japanese Temple Art, Moses,
Sarcophagus Initiation, P.R.E. Table......................................................................... 339

Reading 9611
Nature, Earth, Macrobiotics, Ayurvedic Herbs, Edgar Cayce,
Barefoot Dr. Denatured Food.......................................................................................347

Reading 9610
Merging with the Source, Essenes, James the Elder, Nag Hamadi,
Apostle Thomas, Qumran, Coptic Christian Church,
B Vitamins, Copper Poisoning.................................................................................... 355

Reading 9609
Planetary Mystery School, Shakespearean Play,
Lords of Karma, Manu, Law of One............................................................................ 361

Reading 9608
Negative Vibrations, Self-Love, P.R.E. Table, Eyes, Eye Exercises,
Growth Hormones, Massage....................................................................................... 370

Reading 9607
Healing, Therapeutae, Epidaurus, Herbs, Vitamins,
Yeast Imbalance, Self-Esteem, Self-Love, All Parts of Life.................................... 376

Reading 9606
Humility, Self-Esteem, Marked by Seeing the Christ in Past Life,
Flower Arranging, Temple Art......................................................................................383

Reading 9604
Shining Light in Dark Places, Song Writers, Mass Media,
Prophets of Our Time, Pain and Suffering................................................................ 395

Reading 9603
Torn Ligament, Mind Healing, P.R.E. Table, DNA,
Mystery Schools, Atlantis, Safe Locations.................................................................404

Reading 9602
Earth Changes, Growing Food, Storing Seeds,
Atlantis, Hydroponics, Mountains of Shenandoah................................................... 418

Reading 9600
Kundalini, Lemurian Day, The Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil,
Temple of Sacrifice, John of Peniel, Temple of Sacrifice........................................423

Reading 9599
Ross Perot , United States, Rose Cross, Trilateral Commission, Sanhedrin,
Dome of the Rock , John of Pineal............................................................................. 432

Reading 9598
Plastic Surgery, Immune System, Base Chakra, Auric Field,
Mendelssohn, Sound Generator, Thoracic Vertebrae,
Twelve Cranial Nerves, The Revelation................................................................... 438

Reading 9597
Alcoholics Anonymous, Balkans, Addiction, Antabuse.......................................... 452

Reading 9596
Holy Trinity, Adam Kadmon, Slovenia, Golgotha,
Tree of Life, Crucifixion, Sodom and Gomorrah........................................................460

Reading 9595
Victim Consciousness, Prison , Primal Scream,
Love Substitutes, Angels, Jericho, Castor Oil Packs.............................................. 473

Reading 9594
John-Mind, Holy Grail , Pearl of Great Price, Abrahamic Sacrifice,
The Lord’s Prayer, Court of International Justice, Albert Einstein..........................484

Reading 9593
Laws of Prosperity, Ecos Nomia, Gambling,
Stocks and Bonds, Rockefellers, Western Cartel, Islam..........................................494

Reading 9592
Niacin, Toxins, Prophet Cayce, Insanity,
Dream Temple, Internalized Emotions, Rolfing........................................................502

Reading 9591
Third Reich, Witch, Way Stations, Sign of the Fish,
Holy Women, Councils of Nicaea.............................................................................. 511

Reading 9590
Greece, Pythoness, Pleiades, Prayer, Guardian Angel, Cosmos......................... 521

Reading 9589
Great Cloud of Witnesses, Apostle Paul, Veil of the Temple,
Nebuchadnezzar, Babylon, Ishtar Gate, Saturn Cycle............................................528

Reading 9588
Cerebral Paralysis, Forceps Deliveries, Ocean Fish,
Circulation, Handicapped Children........................................................................... 537

Reading 9586
Vertebra, Extreme Trauma, Value Systems, Spinal Cord, Myelin Sheath.......... 545

Reading 9585
Seven Seals, Guardian Angels, Great White Brotherhood,
Miriam, Prophet Samuel, Hermes, Melchizidek........................................................549

Reading 9584
Stroke, Cimex Lectalarius, Arthritis, P.R.E. Table, Bi-Polar Disorder,
Clinical Depression, Chromium.................................................................................. 554

Reading 9583
Candida Albicans, Beeswax, Bicarbonate of Soda,
Hydrogen, Peroxide, Cataracts, Aconite Flowers.................................................... 561

Reading 9582
School of Initiation, Buddhism, Color Spectrum, Hot Colors,
Perfect Aura, Hidden City, Therapeutae, Victorian Era.......................................... 568

Reading 9581
Moses, Canaan, Evil, Worry, Qabalah, Law of One.................................................577

Reading 9580
Venus, Pluto, Saturn, Jupiter, Solar System,
Twelve Schools, Seal of Protection, Third Eye.........................................................584

Reading 9579
Slant Board, Peanut Oil, Mint Extract, Anti-Fungal, Cortisone, Antibiotics...........590

Reading 9578
Digestive Organs, The Ancients, Manly Palmer Hall,
The ‘Now’, Self-Fulfilling Prophecy........................................................................... 595

Reading 9577
Constellation of Aquarius, Testosterone, Androgynous Spirit,
Bulgaria, Elder Brethren, Inter-Dimensional Craft....................................................603

Reading 9576
Joan of Arc, Scotland, Enneagram, Emperor Showa,
Prosperity, Money, Rose Cross, Freemasonry.........................................................609

Reading 9575
Anaphylaxis, Heavy Metals, Human Collagen, Jimmy Yen,
Barefoot Doctors, Shaman, Therapeutae.................................................................. 616

Reading 9574
Four Levels of Consciousness, Brain Wave Rhythms,
Economic Collapse, California, Tsunami, World War, Holy War...........................624

Reading 9573
Lemuria, Fertile Crescent, Sumerian Period, King David,
King Solomon, Plantar Audition, Negative Thought, Allopecia............................ 633


A. Inner Light Consciousness......................................................................................645

B. The Self-Esteem Survival Kit..................................................................................656

C. The Profound Relaxation Table (P.R.E. Table).................................................. 658

D. Clay.............................................................................................................................665

E. The Great Akashic Record......................................................................................666

F. The Whole Armor of God.........................................................................................671

G. Logo Meditation....................................................................................................... 676

H. The Marriage of Heaven and Earth.......................................................................682

I. The Paul Solomon Foundation................................................................................684


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The Readings of the Paul Solomon Source
by Paul Solomon

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